Cornerstone: Michigan State Capital

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Respect the Watch? Or the Man?

“The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.”

 – Atisha


Has respect for “the trappings” of leadership replaced respect for the skills, experience, dedication and charisma of the leader?

Leadership consists in the ability to divine the future, and to set a course for a company, a family, or tribe that successfully navigates the shoals of outrageous fortune and brings us safely through. Leaders are lauded, well paid and respected. They form a small – and exclusive – club.

In the military, recognizing membership of this club is simple: Identify the person exhibiting “Command Presence,” then inspect shoulders and lapels for “Badges of Rank.” In commerce and culture however, the badges are both more numerous and murky – better shoes, suits, smooth pens, private clubs, cars, different colored credit cards, titles (less clear than ever…) and – the expensive watch.

We’re a little concerned that of late, too much respect has been placed on the symbols of leadership; and too little accorded Leadership itself. Don't mistake the symbol for the thing it represents. But how can one discern the difference?

We suggest four criteria:

Strategic Thinking: The leader is looking beyond juicing profits for the upcoming quarter, thinking instead about taking the team to a career or lifetime summit. Great leaders “ignite the imagination of the tribe.”

Communication: “Attention Span” is today an oxymoron. The leader has to seize attention and move people to action – now! No existential analysis please – time’s a wasting! Leaders Get on with it.

Holistic “Servant” Management: “Gorilla Management” presumes that people are to do what they are told and shut up! But a “Long Term Leader” calls to the spirit, the head and the heart. If you feel interested, engaged and excited; you’re in the presence of such a leader. It’s not the suit or the symbol.

“Counselor” Selling: Leadership is all about selling! Seniors, Juniors, the marketplace and clients all must “buy in” -- but not because they’re pushed. Real leaders help us decide and choose a course. They act as our “compass” – helping us find our way. Such leaders know that it’s not about a purchase; but a choice of direction. A beautiful conflict: Patient yet Succinct.

Finding your leader: Search your world for those with these key attributes. Don’t ignore the badges; real leaders certainly have them – look beyond them for the genuine. Then Follow!

In your own life, polish your skills and commitment – see through the appearances; put the substance and experience first! The Rolex can come later.