Cornerstone: Michigan State Capital

Friday, April 15, 2011

Survey Results

"America has voted. Jennifer, Lucy, Paige, Tom, Nina, Damon & Danielle – this week…you are safe!"

From time to time, everyone needs feedback as to how they're doing. Students have report cards, politicians have polls and employees have evaluations. For the past 18 months, Fusion's Editorial Team has published a weekly post – it was time to see what our readers think. Here are the results of last week's five question survey:

Question 1: Should we continue publishing Cornerstones?

The response was a resounding "Yes!" – 90% of you want us to keep going. The Editorial Team is gratified…thank you. Like contestants on "American Idol," we're glad you want us back next week!

Question 2: Should we combine the three separate blogs into one?

Sixty percent voted to combine the blogs. This change is forthcoming. And to the 21% who responded "What blogs?" – the weekly email archives are accessible 24/7 via the "View the Archives" link at the bottom of this email.

Question 3: What topics are most important to you?

The top three responses were Communication, Sales & Strategy followed by Management, Corporate Culture and Editorial Commentary. Looks like we all agree that these topics are important…we hear you and will continue sharing Fusion’s perspective on each of these areas.

Question 4: This was the three-part "How would you like your Fusion today?"

Do you prefer the white text on a black background or black text on a white background? The vote was split. The black background/white text is preferred by 52%. From a branding perspective the black background is our "look"… we're still kicking this one around for the 48% who prefer white background/black text.

Does your system block the images?

Our resident graphic artist was happy to hear 75% of you can see his work! If you're one of the 25% that don't receive the images, you can view them on the blog.

Would you be willing to pay a subscription fee? Well, it never hurts to ask, right? Not only do 90% of our readers want us to keep publishing, they want to subscribe for free. That's alright with us – we’re having fun writing and publishing each week.

And speaking of feedback…wow! Question 5 was your opportunity to share your thoughts…What haven't we asked you? Here’s a sampling of the comments:

"I've been through the training, but – believe it or not – I don't remember everything I've learned. I appreciate the reminders."

"Unlike any other e-mail I get during the course of the week – I always read it."

"The emails remind me of the principles in Fusion and inspire me to aim higher professionally and personally."

"Sometimes the emails take a little bit to get to the point….shorter may be better. Love it though!"

"Consistently stimulates thinking."

There's some trepidation in asking for feedback. We've been wondering what you thought of the weekly emails. Your responses have been a gift. It will be our privilege to continue bringing the Fusion perspective to you each week. And, we'll do our best to keep the emails short and sweet; yet some subjects need more "column inches" to make the point.


People wouldn't be so afraid to ask for feedback if it didn't have the potential to be devastating. Yet, it can be gratifying. It lets you know if you're on the right track…or not. Ask your family or your boss "How am I doing? What am I doing well? What can I improve upon?" Be open to what comes. Whatever the result, it will be better to know the truth.

Thank you for asking us back next week. See you then!