Cornerstone: Michigan State Capital

Monday, September 13, 2010

Co-Location of Universes: Part 2

Bridging the Distance between the “Verses”

News from the Frontiers of Science…(cont.)

Once again, we become aware of the fact that Different and Separate Universes may actually occupy the same space and time.

Observe the things that serve to separate us:

* People are texting, checking e-mail and surfing so intently these days, that it has become acceptable to text one another from a few feet away, rather than go the extra distance of actually looking at another to connect and speak.

* Blacks, Caucasians, Asians, Hispanics... Christians, Jews, Greek Orthodox worshippers... are all speaking native languages, eating native foods (all purchased from the local chain store…) and practicing native religious holidays, while passing each other in opposite directions on the highway. (Probably while texting...)

* Increasingly, when confronted with a live communication moment with another human being, we are not quite sure how to begin, how to conduct ourselves, or how to decide whether our experience was good, bad or indifferent.

Our uniqueness as individuals and tribes is beginning to separate us so thoroughly that we’re no longer certain of being able to connect with one another. Our stereotypes and tribal allegiances are pushing us to identify each other by tribe, address, language or religion (our differences) instead of by what we have in common. (It used to be called “stereotyping,” prejudice even, but we’re so “post racial” now, that we can’t use that framework any more…)

Last week we demonstrated that often without knowing it, we can actually translocate from our home universe, to another where we are both strange and strangers… The effects can be far reaching and dangerous – actually they ARE both far reaching and dangerous! Recall last week's article. (Speaking of vast distances... Can you recall last week's article?)

Herewith, some suggestions for adults and children of all races, religions, ages and persuasions as we go about bridging the light years between our home universes: Oh and remember, you’re dealing with an alien life form, but one that’s human nonetheless.

As you begin, turn off and step away from all electronics!

1. There’s no contact like EYE Contact! Look at your counterpart, and in a few moments the connection starts to form. As the connection persists, it’s uncomfortable not to talk. Honor that Discomfort and speak!

2. Start simple! The first sentence should probably be something like, “Hi!” Then move on from there.

3. The second sentence should be something you can agree on like, “So. Here we are…”

4. Then, “You know, there are couple things I’d love to find out if you don’t mind. I promise not to tell a soul and I’ll be good while I’m walking around in your universe here… OK?”

5. Then you ask and acknowledge, ask and acknowledge until you can play back the short version of what they’ve said, or better -- what they’re thinking or how they actually see their universe. This is how you know “the Verses have aligned” and that you are now “standing on the same rock.”

My father used to say “After you talk (and listen…) to someone else long enough, you find yourself standing on the same stone. The point of living with other people, Jennifer, is to always leave the other guy a place to stand.”

6. Finding yourself on the same rock/the same stone, you now have the “standing” to enquire ever so gently as to how you might help. “Hey, what shall we do together?”

Relationships of decades are begun from nothing more complex than this simple technique. The “Reach” embodied in these steps is a demonstration of interest, respect and accommodation – allowing the passage of enough time, and enough contact for the first signs of affinity to reveal themselves.

Can it happen on an electronic channel? To some degree, yes; but even the most powerful electronic relationship must be validated by actual physical proximity – witness online dating...

When you begin your journey over the vast intellectual, spiritual, sexual, tribal and individual distances between the verses, with no keyboard to guide you, remember…

The Eyes have it!