Cornerstone: Michigan State Capital

Friday, October 21, 2011

Corporate Culture & the Meaning of Life

"The meaning of life is to put the meaning in life."


Have you felt from time to time that life is just Work, Work, Work!?
Have you experienced that "Hamster on a Treadmill" feeling?
Have you mislaid the meaning of your existence?
If so, you're not the first person to have lost track of the key - that your life, your family and your work are the way they are chiefly because that's the way you've built them...
Allow us to explain...

What does Management do?

Management puts the meaning into work. They build the culture - by design, or; by default. As a leader, every action you take or fail to take - contributes to the combined understanding of "How we do things around here." Your actions and decisions define and demonstrate what's expected and tolerated, or conversely; what would implicitly result in termination. People learn by watching and emulating the leaders - you!

Would you like some help with that?

If you were designing a building, you'd hire an architect, but a culture? That's our job. We assist our clients as they build their corporate culture and we help take those cultures from being implicit and puzzling into being clear and explicit - for the betterment of all involved.

Culture is comprised of four cornerstones... Communication, Sales, Management and Strategy. As you master each of those skills as an individual, then as a manager; your individual journey entwines with your teammates to create a unique, shared corporate culture - something of incredible value which can set you apart from all others and make working at your shop a one of a kind experience - or work, work, work.

Building it right, and well - that's not really a one shot sort of thing. It probably starts with a Leadership retreat, which births or re-births a vision and a plan. Then there's training and endless, cheerful repeated coaching. Probably some consulting about the details. Counsel on specific personal issues. A lot of individual handling and many questions. An ongoing journey toward a lofty vision of excellence in practice. If it goes right, the result is a corporate mission which perfectly integrates lofty beliefs with practical servant management and concise, beautifully aligned communication - "One Story, Many Voices!®" And, it must be profitable or you don't get to come back next year and do it again.

So - the "fusion" of training, consultation and counsel is the formula required for your firm as you move forward individually and as teams - building your culture with every step.

It's a noble purpose. Why? Because though much of life can devolve down to the meaningless; work doesn't have to. Because we all spend more time working than any other human endeavor. We should do it right. We should do it well. We should love it and be proud of the outcomes.

The meaning of life is for us to put there.


1. Individually
Is there a space in your life where a lofty purpose belongs? Have you lost track of it in the rush to produce, interact and consume? Is it time for a personal pause to consider what's really important, and to re-dedicate yourself to a high purpose?

2. At Home
Kids take over the family and shift the course of conversations, relationships and careers. But most of the great thinkers, inventors, industrialists and tycoons had families. What's the reason for that? Perhaps because family is what keeps us grounded and married to at least one of life's purposes - survival as a species. But maybe a greater reason for family, is to allow us to see and partake of the warmth, support, shared stories and yes - Love that makes life more than work, work, work. Why not decide to love the work that supports the people you love; and love the people that make you want to build a career that can support school, safety and vacations. Families put more meaning into life.

3. At Work
Our choices about how to perceive and construct our work life make the difference between whether we feel enslaved at work, or enlarged. The culture of the workplace is the outcome of all the decisions made by all players right-up-to-now. Management contributes, but so does everyone on the team. If you don't like it the way it is; why not change it? Start the discussion about how to re-inject more, better, loftier purpose back into the workplace and interesting things will happen. Of course, it takes some courage to start that discussion, but this decision alone will make going to work Monday more interesting. It's a risk, yes; but so is going back down into the mine.

The meaning of life? Right there in front of you!
Put your meaning where you want it!!