Cornerstone: Michigan State Capital

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Instant Karma

"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."

-The Beatles
British Pop Music Group
"The End"
From: Abbey Road
Apple Records, London,1969
George Martin, Producer

"What goes around, comes around!"

-American Colloquial Phrase

"If you wait by the river long enough, you'll see the body of your enemy floating by."

-Japanese Proverb

"Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you."

-The Golden Rule

So what about Karma?

From ancient times, the belief has persisted that there is a form of "karmic balance" operating in the universe – that what we put out; ultimately comes back to us. What we think; becomes real. Our actions rebound and come back around to haunt or help us. Like begets like.

Maybe you believe it, maybe you don't. It's one of those things that's not easily measurable with an egg timer. So why discuss it?

Hang in here for a moment. What if we had the sustained focus and mental stability of a monk or a Saint and concentrated? Would we likely see that "evil" tends to play out and be overcome? And that "good" tends to pass along from one person to another until, when you least expect it, someone is there looking out for you in a tough patch? Perhaps if we lived longer, we might become more aware of the cyclic nature of things and be more knowledgeable about that larger cosmic machinery. But we don't. And because of either "religious persuasion", or short sightedness, we undertake to sit in a restaurant and argue the reality of past lives or accumulated bad karma – while ignoring (or stiffing) the waitress.

We think such discussion gets too highfalutin and completely misses the point. Let's just be really practical. There's no way one can answer these great questions from the viewpoint of a single lifetime! So don't try. Instead, let's get really low down and practical...

If you do good to your colleagues, there's comparatively less need to look over your shoulder. If you do well by and for your Boss, it'll take some heat from under his pot. If you treat your spouse/partner with love and respect, there's a greater likelihood of calm affectionate cruising ahead. It's not guaranteed, but if you radiate warmth, respect, firm intentions and clear communication; it's likely you're going to get more of that in return. Not later when the cosmic boogie man comes to balance the scales; but right now.

Maybe that's the real "Instant Karma" that John Lennon was referring to: you get it back in exchange right now. And a life of repeated good exchanges is: Pretty Good Karma.

It's a big universe out there. From our vantage point, we can't see the entire thing at work. Maybe someone else's bad juju has slipped over into your fairway. It happens. So rise above it! Maybe it isn't "yours." Decide, without provocation, to demonstrate the greatness of spirit required to rise above the indignity and behave with style and grace. Oh and don't forget – rising above adversity may be the best way to build up positive karma.

Don't start with the undebatable, "No proof of past lives!" canard. Of course there are past lives…yesterday. Get with it. Get out of your head and get down into being both realistic and practical. Of course there's Karma! And while you've been wondering and arguing, you've made more of it to clean up!

Here are some Instant Karmic applications for the Individual, the Family Member and the Business Person:

1. Individuals
Start with the waiter. Make great eye contact. Smile. Speak slowly and clearly. Get into their space. Ask their advice – really. Recognize that there's a person in there trying to get an acting job, college degree, make ends meet… Notice the more substantial service that ensues. And leave a better tip. Then check it out when you return. Karma, neh?

2. With the Family
Go ahead, kick the dog and yell at the cat. See how that works out for you. Growl at the kids and be sarcastic with your mate. Then take notice of the character of the responses. Notice the forming low pressure in the kitchen – how's that singed microwave meal? Feel free to make your case: No karma at home? We don't think so…

3. At the Office
Help a subordinate with a project. "Listen them off the ceiling" with a personal issue. Check in with your boss and ask for some cogent coaching about your career. Ask how you can help the enterprise. Notice the simple arithmetic of favors and strokes given and accepted that makes the office a winning environment or an endless exchange of hostile gestures.

Truth is, it doesn't take a hundred lifetimes to see karma in operation. It's going on all around you, all the time. Next time someone does you some harm or gives you a dirty look; ask yourself: "Have I given that same feeling to someone else?" The realization can be painful. But the real lesson is that you can start creating positive Karma - and a much more complementary workplace… Simply start this second, this moment and send out only the kind of emotion, attitude and vibration that you wouldn't mind getting back. It doesn't matter if you "believe" in it. Act on it anyway. Starting now, remake your Karma!

"In the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make."