Cornerstone: Michigan State Capital

Friday, June 3, 2011

Perception is Choice

"Our state of mind has a great effect on others. For example, if you do a thing while thinking "I do not want to do it," you might easily get tired. However, if you do a thing which you like, you will not tire so easily. Therefore, if you use your mind in a positive way, your body also becomes positive. If you use your mind in a negative way, your body also becomes negative. The state of the mind has a great effect on the body. The state of mind also has a great effect on others."

- Koichi Tohei
Founder and Grand Master
Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido
(1920 - 2011)

Every Thought creates a City. Every Word, a Universe.

A colleague can change air currents with her mind. It's not a simple thing though; it takes a lot of effort. When we travel together, her preflight routine includes losing her ticket, finding coffee of the correct temperature, calling the kids at least three times, reconsidering the seat assignment and the plane configuration. With all the prep completed, we sit back for takeoff – well to be honest, she "goes fetal" and within twenty minutes, there's turbulence. See. She did it again. Twenty times I fly alone – no turbulence. I've been wondering whether to suggest that she consider relaxing about flying and give the heavens a break.

Another colleague ruins contracts telepathically. Work on a deal fourteen months; get it right up to the signing stage. She finds out about it, says, "It'll never work! Are they really gonna do this?" Kiss of death. That's it, the deal falls through. She's lethal – talented, but lethal.

Another pessimist kills the phones. We'll be enjoying a high and active sales day with the phones ringing off the hook. He'll walk in and kill the energy in the room and – through the phone lines, the enthusiasm in the rest of the world. The phones die and prove his hypothesis – that he'll never succeed.

A friend resents other drivers. He turns the ignition and the crazies come out. Passing, swerving, cutting in, squealing brakes – he's angry with all of them and critical of everyone's speed, attention, throttle control and following distance. The minute he thinks about driving, the nuts behind the wheel start mentally targeting and converging on our parking lot. Strangely, when he's not thinking about it, traffic mellows out.

On a positive note, one friend walks in and the room starts to buzz. It gets lighter, everyone wants to hang out with him and be his friend. (I like travelling with him because people buy us dinner...) Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he seems to love life so intensely...

What’s our point? Whether you love, hate, fear or criticize someone or some thing, your strong (even unconscious) perceptions can have a palpable effect on things, people, even the atmosphere. So become conscious of this power, and start using it positively!


1. Personal:

Concentrate on having a smooth, safe drive to work. Take a new path and open the windows. Change your viewpoint about the experience; and change the experience.

2. At Home:

The way you choose to see a mate or partner can make the difference between boredom and passion. Choose to take the high road and allow love to flower again.

3. At Work:

Find something to love, respect or enjoy about your clients. Change up your presentation style by having the audience do impromptu "position statements" to level the playing field before you do the main event – by enjoying (not resisting) the experience – you can change it and make it a win.

Perception is Choice. Your choices influence traffic, sales, other people and the very heavens – in addition to whether I want to fly with you. Start by becoming aware of your previously unconscious choices about how you see life, communication and other people. Is it possible that your power used unconsciously, is obstructing your progress? Why not choose to see the positive and create a better universe?