Cornerstone: Michigan State Capital

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"Attention must be paid."

– Excerpted from "Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller
  American Playwright
  (October 17, 1915 – February 10, 2005)

"Pay Attention!" You hear it from Childhood.

“Look at me when I talk to you!”

The phrases don’t do the concept justice.

Attention is a little bit like money. It comes in the form of particles…which are very valuable. You can spend them. Withhold them. Make a gift of them. Keep them for important occasions. Or waste them – much like money. There are limits though, to how many attention particles you might generate at any moment…So they are rare – special!

Catch someone unaware and send a particle at them – look! And they’ll feel it and look back, startled. They might react, smile, blush, flinch, duck, bristle…the opportunities are endless. They feel the weight of the particle and respond/react to it. And their reaction tells the tale of their character and their immediate state of mind.

Attention particles have flavors – as many as you can conceive. Interest. Curiosity. Desire. Distaste. Fear. Anger. Lust. Disinterest. Appreciation. Trust. You get the idea.

Ever spoken to a group? Get keyed up? It’s all those particles – takes a while to absorb them and then calm down. It’s a "high" that all performers acknowledge. The power of group attention (and we hope, adulation) can change your physical state and raise your metabolism.

It’s just that strong.

So. What?

Notice how you are spending your rare attention particles.

Are your children getting their share? How about your mate? How about your office or patrol partner? People in your platoon, on your floor, on your team?

People who are “attentive” are “attending” to the human need and desire for attention among families, friends and communities. “Paying Attention” is a powerful way of saying that the person you are looking at is important.

Spend it wisely.

As a speaker, manager, sales professional or leader, your attention signature will be an immediate indicator as to your power and charisma – or lack thereof. The ability to focus and direct the flow of attention particles anywhere, anytime, for any duration is one feature that distinguishes the most formidable speakers and people.

Attention must be paid.

Invest it wisely.

It will be repaid – with interest.

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