Cornerstone: Michigan State Capital

Thursday, June 24, 2010

“The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters”

– Caprichos
   Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes
   Spanish Painter
   Portrait Artist to King Carlos IV
The Inquisition – 1799. Anonymous tribunals were determining guilt and issuing death sentences against people harboring unacceptable beliefs. Reason slept. Goya, the King's painter, issued a series of editorial cartoons which highlighted many of the absurdities...

2010 – Everywhere, “Reason” sleeps. Not reason with a small r, but “Reason” as in the rational contemplation of “the greatest good for all concerned.” 

“Reason” sleeps. Leaving us in the middle of this long nightmare of too much and too little. Too much spending and too little personal responsibility. Too much bellicosity and polarization and too little conversation. Too much credit and too little pay in advance. Too little investment and too much borrowing. Too much electronic buzz and too little personal connection. Too much reliance on government and too much blame, shame and guilt. Too little lifelong commitment to the family, the community and one’s own personal growth. Too much interference in other countries while our own cities and highways crumble. Too much emphasis on things and too little on character.

Everyone has a reason, their own personal excuse factory of explanations, justifications and stories about how it's all someone else's fault. It doesn’t matter who’s at fault. What matters is that nobody checks, nobody questions, nobody acts to protect the commons.

Too many “reasons” – and too little “Reason!” We need more people with “Reason,” who can remind us of what's important and help us decide how to proceed.

Wait a second; “Reason” isn’t some far away skill, owned by ancient philosophers. “Reason” slumbers in us all when we blame, borrow, or look the other way. “Reason” sleeps when we excuse City Hall because “We’re too small to make a difference...” Reason awakens when we actively look and say “What, Why, How and What Next?”

Wake up! This isn’t a philosophy lecture! It’s your life! Clear your mind and decide how you can make things better! Don’t fall back asleep. Get on with it! You've rested too long.

In your career, don’t get lost in the rush to judge, explain or excuse what’s happened. Instead, focus on the long-term goal of an improved game for all. Then get people moving in that direction. Be the one who nudges people onward every day.

In your personal life, it’s easy to go with the flow until you doze off and lose sight of where you’re going and what you stand for. Pause every so often, take stock and decide once again, “What’s this supposed to be about?” and “How do I get myself and my family where we’re going?”

If you look around and nothing makes any sense, you’re probably correct. (The truth is, most people are asleep, most of the time...) Now that you’ve awakened, you can perhaps awaken some others – and travel forward together.

We need you! It’s in your hands. Take care. Travel safe!

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