Cornerstone: Michigan State Capital

Friday, July 16, 2010

Learning, Surrender and Engagement

"The beginner's white belt gets darker with every hour spent on the mat; at some point, it becomes black."

Yoshihiko Hirata Sensei
Aikido Master
All learning requires some fundamental commitments, and adheres to a set of standard principles:

1. The student doesn't know everything already.
    (Empty your cup.)

2. Endless Failures are the path to knowledge.
    (Take another fall; again!)

3. Sacrifice ego and self importance and speed the
    accumulation of knowledge.
    (Curiosity trumps ego!)

4. Master: Responsible for Teaching.
    Student: Responsible for Learning.
    (We need each other.)

5. Masters are the best students.
    (Never stop learning!)

6. That which Hurts, also instructs.
    (Honor the pain!)

7. Dojo means, "The Room in which we Find the Way."
    (We bow to honor what we're about to learn.)

8. Working when you don't want to, defines commitment.
    (Every day in the dojo!)

9. Both attack and defense require diligent practice.
   (Consider, absorb, and prepare to respond to attacks
    from all points of view!)

10. Mastery is demonstrated in life, as well as on the mat.
     (Masters: Everything improves in their wake.)

In your life and work, "on the mat" and off; surrender to the lesson, engage with the master and let your belt grow darker – from use.

(This post may be about Martial Arts, then again...)

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