Cornerstone: Michigan State Capital

Friday, January 21, 2011

Purpose or Profit?

"We’re going to make chairs! The best chairs in the business!"
-William Holden as McDonald Walling
“Executive Suite"

It's an old movie, with a contemporary theme. The question: Is it about shareholder value, office politics and competition, or vision?

John Houseman produced a movie that laid out the component parts of a company, and the people who symbolize them – in black and white... A little stark by current standards perhaps, but so clear – the tendency of people to cave in to politics, criticism and keeping their job, while they watch the extractors of momentary profit undermine the quality in the franchise to maximize ROI. We know that story. By the time the organization bottoms out, the greedy guys are long gone and the political players are left trying to upstage the job keepers for the spotlight on the dwindling stage.

In our mind, the fundamental thing that distinguishes winning companies is the clear and simple vision of providing a unique and special service. With Purpose. With Vision. People in such companies know why they're getting up every day. They’re going to beat the competition…to be the best. To serve with distinction. Of course they'll make money. And they’ll have fun doing it!

But only because they get the sequence correct. Purpose. Vision. Process. Practice. Profit. In that order.

It was true in the days of black and white movies. It’s true today. I'm betting it'll be the same tomorrow too.

Check it out; heavy handed, moralistic, black and white, what our parents taught us – or should have. It may be exactly what's missing in a country that pays its debts by inflating the currency. It may be what's missing in a housing market that sells mortgages by the bushel instead of keeping solid investments on the books to term. It may be what's missing in investment banks and hedge funds that make their profit by high velocity trading and not on honoring the underlying growth of the securities. What's missing is noble purpose – the real sense of why we're all here. And the sense of where we're gonna go together. We’re going to make chairs.

Look around, sniff it out. Would John Houseman respect what you're doing with your career? Would William Holden line up to help you live out your purpose? A fair question. A fair test.

Start this year by getting your head straight. Why are you here? Where are you going? The destination has to be clear, along with the reason and the path. Is it worth your time, your life? Will it sustain your dedication through a career? Get it right at the start. Now.

Corporations exist to serve a unique purpose, provide a service, create a quality product, to do something better than anyone else in such a way the customer, or hundreds of thousands, would be willing to pay a premium. It takes a leader’s vision to direct all those activities and to mold processes and practices that guide the day to day activity. Done right, and continuously, it makes a profit. And the shareholders benefit in their turn.

Are you working in such a place?

Enjoy the movie, and get on with your real life.

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